
Internal Mentoring


Lean In Circles were created within our Women In Business organization in the Fall of 2014. They are based off the book, “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg. Our goal is to empower the women within each circle by speaking on topics both on a professional and personal level through small group meetings in an interactive environment.

> Build closer relationships with other Women in Business members.
> Inspire members to have new and advanced ideas about success.
> Grow and reflect through professional skill-building activities, detailed discussions, and more!

How to Get Involved:
Sign up at the first and second Women in Business meetings through a provided paper sign-up sheet. Also, make sure to attend the kick-off event and get to know other Lean In Circle members. Small groups and leaders will be placed together after the kick-off event.

Break Down:

Kick-Off Event

3 Small Group Meetings

1 Big Group Meeting

Conclusive Event



To inspire our undergraduate student members to find and reach their career goals and aspirations, by providing them the ability to foster relationships with professional business women in their area of interest.

Mentor/Mentee Matches:

Based on the student’s career goals and interests.


  • Meet one-on-one (mentor-to-mentee) at least once a month.
  • Attend the Mentoring Kickoff (date TBA)


We hope that the mentors can share their professional experiences about transitioning from college to the working world, how students can make the most of their college experience to have a rewarding career, and any other professional advice or experiences the mentor would like to share.

Activities ideas for Mentors & Mentees:

  • Meet for lunch or coffee
  • Review resumes
  • Meet Mentor’s colleagues
  • Tour Mentor’s office